Be More, Do Less And Save Time

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I just came back from a BEING, DO NOTHING vacation. More than ever I spent time Being and doing nothing. No agendas, no digital, no schedules.  Lots of sleep, rests and more. I returned renewed, restored and relaxed beyond words. As human BEINGS we need Being time.

Vacations are important, however, we need to have Being time everyday.

The blog post saving time by doing LESS by Alex Cavoulacos from came my way and it is so relevant to what I want to share about more time to Be.  She is on target offering us ways to save time by doing less.  Here are some of the tips that Alex suggests that I particularly resonated with:

  • Say no-it’s crucial-and she tells you how.
  • Let go of control – delegate more.
  • Pare your To Do List down by asking yourself, “What is the impact of doing this?” Great question. If there is no impact, let it go.
  • Length of meetings-shorten meetings to 20-30 minutes-that one gave me pause.

Those are smart Doing ways to save time so you have more of it.

We can also save time by Being more.

Here are some ways to Be more, Do Less and Save Time. The more we Be and stop doing, the more focused and clear we will become about what we have to do and how to do it. We will learn to let go of feeling stuck and taking things personally, and therefore save time. These Being times bring us back to center and into the presence of now, facilitate our receiving intuitions and inspirations and open our hearts.

As human beings we also need Being time to fulfill our natures.

Make time for Being in Silence and Solitude

  • Unplug everyday from everything for at least one minute. Gradually work up to three, five, ten or even fifteen! The longer the better.
  • Light a candle and sit quietly.
  • Meditate: sense your breath, watch your mind quiet and connect to your body and soul.
  • Do restorative yoga which includes holding poses for an extended period of time.
  • Soak in a bathtub.
  • Weed the garden.
  • Rock in your rocker.
  • Rest on a bed or sofa for a few minutes.
  • Practice mindfulness in all that you do. Click here for tips from Lynda.

Being more has you stopping, dipping into the well.

Returning to your center.

Resting in your inner home.

Going slower, saving time and living longer.

When we are in Harmony with ourselves, we are in harmony with the universe.

We want to be both Being and Doing, in the proper balance for who we are and the needs of the day. We want to live from our whole self, fulfilling our deepest potential.


This is my last post on the Life-Unlimited-Blog.  I will continue blogging on my new From Fear to Freedom Blog, which will be housed on a brand new redesign of our website, This site will be launched shortly. Stay tuned in for updates!

It’s a perfect ending blog post.

Be more, Do less.

Manifest your Freedom, No Regrets, you can Choose your Life.

The more you Be and Do wisely, the more you will live the life you love.

I’m always interested in hearing from you,

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Lynda Klau, Ph.D.

Founder & Director

Life Unlimited: The Center for Human Development

1 212 595 737

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Filed under business coaching, meditation, mind body, mindfulness, resilience, self help

When was the last time you said “I Love You” . . . to Yourself?

When was the last time you said “I Love You” . . . to Yourself? Now that’s a question, isn’t it?

And I’m curious about your answer. Would it be OK to ask yourself the question now? See if you can embrace whatever answer comes without judging yourself. Whatever your answer, it’s just information.


An Exercise for You
Here’s an exercise that can help. Sit down in a place where you won’t be disturbed. Breathe in and out three times. Close your eyes and see yourself standing in front of a mirror. Now be there in front of that mirror. Say to yourself, either silently or out loud “Your Name, I Love You.” How does it feel to the part of you who is saying it? Why are you saying it? And for the part of you who is hearing and receiving it, can you let it in? Does it feel good? Or not? What are you feeling in your body? Do you feel worthy of such self-love? Do you deserve? If you feel loved—wonderful.

If you can’t say it or it’s hard or you can’t let the love in then you may want to start saying “I Love you” and see what arises when you say those words while at the same time strengthening your love of yourself. See if you can hold love and not love. That would be a good practice.


What did you discover? When was the last time you said I Love You to yourself: upon wakening this morning? before going to sleep last evening? a month ago? you can’t remember? hardly ever? Are you much more accustomed to hear yourself saying, “I hate this wrinkle or look at that fat roll?”

It was Carl Rogers, the psychologist, who said the hardest thing for people to say to each other are the very positive things. That is true for ourselves with ourselves. As I write to you today I’m remembering I have lived through loving and hating myself. They are two different worlds. I’m remembering one morning just around Halloween, years ago, when I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and felt such hatred for myself and the way I looked . . . even with my make-up on. I was devastated. At the time I had no voice to respond to this hateful voice to say something like “Excuse me, you don’t get to talk to me that way. Ever. For any reason!” Yes, I too know non-loving.


Now after awakening to and transcending my early inner world I know loving and I know hating. Sometimes, many times a day I hear a voice from within say “I so love you.” And I hear another voice say, “I love you too.” Sometimes when I feel sad, sometimes when I feel lonely, sometimes when I’m stretching myself and trying something new, sometimes just because, for no reason. That kind of love for myself is right for all of us. It is our birthright. It reminds me of Derek Walcott’s beautiful poem Love after Love.

You actually don’t have to say the words out loud or even silently, what’s important is you have the feeling of self love.

If your answer is that you say “I Love You” to yourself several times a day or a week then I dance with you. But before we get too celebratory I wonder if you know where you say, “I love you” from. You see there is achievement, accomplishment, what we might call conditional “love”—which perhaps is not love at all—because you love yourself because the number on your scale is low enough today. Or did you just get engaged so you are proving you are OK to yourself? You know what I mean.

My dear friends that is accomplishment or achievement, for how much we succeeded I wouldn’t call that love; it’s achievement. Truly all good things, don’t get me wrong but not love. It is acknowledgment. I would call that “Conditional Something.” If you achieve this, that or the other, then I will love you. That is not real love. I’m sorry to say.

I’ve watched so many clients I work with, over and over again, be gravely disappointed because they finished a degree, had a huge business success and they still don’t feel lovable inside. They had a belief that an outside success would create an inside feeling. No true. They were caught in the Conditional Love hope world.

Then there is Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love is not about worthiness or deserving. It is love without conditions: “I love you because I love you, no reason. I love you because you are. No conditions, no accomplishment. I love you for being you: a total acceptance from your heart.” You still may not like that wrinkle or extra 10 pounds but it doesn’t destroy your love for yourself.

If you feel such a love without conditions for yourself, you are there. Don’t take it for granted. Whether you grew up this way or you’ve worked to come to this place, no matter: let it guide you to the life you were meant to live.

Do you know that the more we love ourselves, the more we can love others and the more we can let in another’s love for us. And if we don’t love ourselves, it does not matter how loving your partner is or family is you won’t be able to receive the love.

Self love then leads to self care.
Then you want to take care of yourself like you would care for anyone your deeply loved. And self love and self care lead to well being and thriving. Kind of interesting because self love and self care lead to creating a life that you love from your whole self.

Are you afraid that if you love yourself then you’ll be all alone? And no one else will love you. Hogwash!

The world of Unconditional Self Love helps us go forward into the unknown, fail and feel loved, experiment, and follow our passion not knowing where that will lead us and be loved. There is a power to Unconditional Self Love that you don’t want to miss. It’s life-changing.


For more articles on self love, self care and thriving, and living the life you love you may want to visit check out my blog post archives, and website articles and Get on our mailing list. Watch for the upcoming webinar the Feminine Power Project.

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Lynda Klau, Ph.D.
Founder & Director
Life Unlimited: The Center for Human Development
1 212 595 7373

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Filed under couples psychotherapy, Life Coaching, love, marriage, mind body, mindfulness, poetry, relationships, therapy

Dear Dad, This is What I Want to Say to You on Father’s Day:

A 21st Century Woman Calls Dads to Action

What do I, a woman and your daughter, have to say to you on Father’s day? When you let yourself be vulnerable it does not mean you are weak.

Matter of fact being vulnerable—open, real, alive, honest, sharing “heartfully”—is the most innovative, creative and powerful place to live and work from.


It’s so weird dad, women are often criticized because they are too vulnerable or emotional and we, men and women, have been socialized to think—being a male is better, superior, more powerful and women are the second sex, we give ourselves up, we are weak . . . but it’s time to wake up dad.

These beliefs are not true. Actually they are destructive. It’s time to change them. 

It’s time to realize that being vulnerable is sharing our humanity with each other, It is not only healing but it is living on the edge and the unknown, it is life changing.

When men, dear dad, and women, both realize that the more we let down our walls and talk from our hearts, we will know how to love and the world will change.

Dear dad the time is NOW.

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Lynda Klau, Ph.D.

Founder & Director

Life Unlimited: The Center for Human Development

1 212 595 7373

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Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s COO, Encourages Women to Lean In: Burnout or Liberation?


I just wrote a press release I want to share with you:

In her recent book, Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg never addresses the necessity for the foundational power of Self-Care nor does she offer a roadmap for women that articulates the possibilities for a new model of work and living informed by wholeness, says Lynda Klau, Ph.D. Director of Life Unlimited: the Center for Human Possibility. Dr. Klau is offering a 5-week Webinar, Burn Out Prevention: Live a Life with Love for women and here are some steps you can begin now.

New York, NY (PRWEB) May 21, 2013

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While Sandberg’s observations are insightful, her manifesto for Liberation “lean in”, go to the top and lead advocates Burnout, not Liberation. Dr. Klau asserts that Self-Care is foundational and essential, not only to prevent burnout and illness, but to support women in creating lives they love. During the last 30 years there’s been an alarming positive correlation between women’s increasing stress levels and heart disease and diabetes. Self-Care includes and is not limited to time for play, silence, mindfulness, meditation, sleeping deeply and long enough, breathing, time off each day, vacations, being in your flow, doing what you love, and much more. These practices are for all women regardless of their finances and family situation.

In Dr. Klau’s opinion, another sin of omission in Lean In is that this author doesn’t delve into the unique qualities of what it means to be feminine: our emotional intelligence, relational qualities, intuition/inspiration, holistic thinking and connection with our bodies and our essence. She views Sheryl Sandberg and Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, as two prominent examples of just how far you can go using a male model of sitting at the table. However, Dr. Klau recommends a new model for women that needs to embrace both Self-Care as well as the unique qualities of the feminine. Only then will there be a chance for living in breadwinner-caretaker balance and wisdom, wonder, freedom and the process of true change.

Here are four exercises Dr. Klau suggests to begin:

  • Shut off all technological devices and sit quietly for five minutes every day.
  • Do something you consider play “just for you” for at least fifteen minutes per day.
  • Ask yourself: what really matters. Make a list of the things you love to do that gives you energy.

Tom Brokaw of NBC called our time the Century of Women. The Dalai Lama has said it is the western woman who will lead us to the new world. That’s quite a mandate—and a compliment as well! But in order to do so, Dr. Klau urges women to learn to care for themselves so that they have the opportunity of fulfilling their potential.

Life Unlimited: The Center for Human Possibility in New York, NY, through psychotherapycoaching, and speaking has been providing a broad spectrum of services helping women and men actualize themselves and their dreams for more than 25 years using a non-formulaic, holistic, integrative, body, mind, and neuroscience approach. They are offering a 5-week empowering Videoconference Webinar, Burnout Prevention: Live a Life with Love for women seeking increased success, deeper self-awareness, and to live a life with love. This is a roadmap for flourishing in these times. Burnout Prevention: Live a Life with Love will be held over the course of five consecutive Wednesday evenings in June and July. You are invited to attend their free introductory video conferencing webinar on Wednesday June 5th @ 7:30pm EST.

For more information on Life Unlimited programs for individuals (women and men) please visit their website: e:, t: 212 595 7373, text: +1 (917) 830 7298

The innovative work of Life Unlimited has been featured in This Emotional Life – PBS, WBAI, Sirius Satellite Radio, Cable TV, GAINS Journal, Your Tango, Common Boundary, The Association for Spirituality and Psychotherapy Journal and other media outlets.


Wow! That was an experience!

I invite you to attend my free introductory videoconference webinar.

And the 5-week Burnout Prevention: Live a Life with Love course that follows.

Feel free to view the final version online at PRWeb and pass on my press release.

warmest wishes,

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Lynda Klau, Ph.D.

Founder & Director

Life Unlimited: The Center for Human Development

1 212 595 7373

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“Take the first step” toward Real Communication

Take the first step says poet David Whyte, not the second or the third for real communication: with yourself, at work, at home . . . in all communications, in all relationships.

Learn how to LISTEN even when you are angry or convinced you are right. Learn how to say what needs to be said that’s in your head and heart.

Over and over again I find myself being moved when I hear another tell me their experience. Like yesterday, I went to a new dentist who I didn’t want to like. My beloved dentist of years had retired and sold his practice to Dr. J.

Little by little as I shared my negative thoughts with a patient in the waiting room and listened to her, and then listened to Eileen as she cleaned my teeth, I saw my closed, fixed opinion begin to soften and open. And finally I meet Dr. J. He is shockingly lovely, open and smart. He is the first dentist who will listen to me talk about my health food toothpastes that have me coming for teeth cleanings every six months instead of the typical three-month visit.

Take the first step: learn how to put your feelings into words and share. Learn how to “for real” listen.


Here’s an exercise for you to develop your sharing and listening muscles.

An Exercise: Sharing Appreciations and Resentments

1.  A speaks her appreciations to B. B listens and doesn’t interrupt. A gives concrete examples, e.g. when I asked you to turn the computer off and you did, I really appreciated that. A gives a concrete example for every appreciation. Maximum time–3 minutes.

2.  B speaks her appreciations to A.  Again, very concrete examples. A listens, hopefully with head and heart and does not interrupt.

3.  A speaks her resentments, once again using concrete examples. B listens, no interruptions.

4.  B shares resentments while A listens.

Do this for a short period of time—3 minutes each maximum.

At first you are practicing speaking and listening. There is no responding.  When you have developed a muscle, you can respond if you want to after the other person has shared. No discussion just a simple response for no more than 1 minute.

This is a powerful exercise. In the end you do not have to agree. You may really disagree. However, if you’re listening with your head, heart and body you will most likely be affected; you and the other will find your authentic way.

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Dr. Lynda Klau

Founder and Director of

Life Unlimited: The Center for Human Possibility

1 212 595 7373

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Filed under business coaching, business counseling, business leadership, coaching for entrepreneurs, coaching on skype, counseling, couples counseling, couples psychotherapy, couples psychotherapy, holistic , leadership coaching, Life Coaching, love, marriage, mind body, mindfulness, personal coaching, psychotherapy, relationships, romance, small business, therapy

The Notebook

Completing 2012 and Going Forward in 2013

A few years ago I heard a wise man make a suggestion I’d like to bring to you now. He recommended you purchase a beautiful notebook. This notebook is for you and your “revelations.” You can share it’s content or keep it private.

Perhaps you want to begin by remembering 2012 and the “revelations” you had this year. As a “revelation” comes write it down. What is a “revelation”? It’s a wisdom that came to you, an awareness that freed you from some personal or collective conditioning, a knowing. A revelation is something of value, a realization. Give yourself time to reflect on 2012. Please see if you can go forward without judging but proceed compassionately and in celebration.

Now for 2013 . . . every time you have a revelation write it down or draw a picture and then put it away in a private place until the next one comes.













At any time the spirit moves you take out your notebook and read it. Imagine this come next December on some cold wintery night you may want to take out your notebook and read the gems of your life for 2013. Alone or share; it’s your notebook.

This year I’m going to follow my suggestion myself.

May 2013 be your best year yet!

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Dr. Lynda Klau

Founder and Director of

Life Unlimited: The Center for Human Possibility

1 212 595 7373

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Filed under business coaching, global coaching, Life Coaching, mindfulness, personal coaching, psychotherapy

An Intentional Thanksgiving 2012

Dr. Lynda Klau

How to have a Stress-Free, Restorative, Thankful, Out of the Box, 2012 Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving begins our year-end holiday season. It’s supposed to be a time of giving thanks and love but can you hear your moans and feel the dread in the atmosphere. Why? Often we get so caught up in the rituals and old habits that we lose sight of the deeper meaning and walk into Christmas and then the new year exhausted, having eaten too much, feeling irritated with our friends or family, frustrated from travelling in overload season, having spent too much money . . .

This year consider these out of the box ways of spending thanksgiving and make this Thanksgiving your best yet—give thanks for your love for yourself, your life and the people in your community.









Step One – Spend some time alone and/or with your family and friends exploring how you really want to spend this holiday, what you really want to do. Be creative: go to the movies all day long, order in pizzas, spend time alone and reflect on your life (Link to, catch up on sleep, go to Paris, make love all day . . . And come to clarity for yourself and for your community.

If you are alone ask yourself do you want to be with people or not? Being alone doesn’t mean you are not loved or loveable. If you want to be with people find some people to join or volunteer somewhere.

If you want to do the traditional meal and gathering then do it with kindness and joy for everyone, the cook, the clean up crew, the set-up team, and practice acceptance, listening, and being mindful.

Step Two – Create a Plan or Follow your Flow

Don’t forget to spend some time focused on the true meaning of Thanksgiving.  It is all about giving thanks

  • give thanks for your life, your breathe, the day, the air,
  • give thanks for imagining that you have achieved what you desire
  • give thanks for everything

Before we say goodbye – If you are addicted to Black Friday, how about going Cold Turkey. Just don’t go. Stay home! Go Slow!

By the end of the weekend celebrate how good you feel and how grateful you are for changing the old ritual and creating a new one that serves you and yours.

Change is ahead!

Dr. Lynda Klau


Dr. Lynda Klau

Founder and Director of

Life Unlimited: The Center for Human Possibility

1 212 595 7373

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Filed under Life Coaching, mind body, mindfulness, personal coaching, psychotherapy, relationships, solitude, therapy

Hey Baby, I mean you, Baby Boomer: Be the Queen You Are!

Hey Baby Boomers. This is your time to lead! Be the Queen.

If as the Dalai Lama has said, that it is the western woman who will lead the world, then he is calling on you Baby Boomer, Wise Woman, Queen to lead the way.

First things first, Baby Boomer, Queen: do you have your voice? Can you speak your real truth? A leader needs to be able to speak her truth whether it is 1 on 1 or from 1-to-1000. Typically women of our generation were not taught to have, no less, speak their voice. If you have your voice, wonderful, celebrate! If you don’t, what will you do to find it? Or reclaim it?


Many of us learned to imitate men. But that’s not a woman’s voice or perspective. A real woman’s voice is truthful as well as compassionate, kind, relational, and non-judgmental. This is exactly what we need more of in the world today.

If you want to learn to speak your truth keep reading my blog posts for tips, tools and related topics or contact me directly

What else, Baby Boomer, Queen? Please stop mourning the loss of being a rosebud or a princess. There is a time for everything.

Now is the time to:

  • Strut like the beautiful woman you are—here’s the key: feel beautiful on the inside and you will be beautiful.
  • Lead other women to stop obsessing about age or weight
  • It’s time to appreciate all the life lessons you have learned and your wisdom
  • Start by honoring what you love. Then offer that to the world.

This is the beginning of harvest time. Enjoy your harvest. Enjoy your life experience, your wisdom. Claim your power. Our patriarchal world will have you obsessing over wrinkles and fearing this illness or that and then death. Hogwash! Show the world that being a Baby Boomer is a true coming of age and time to blossom into the full flower you are.

Take part in a world-wide movement that is changing deep-rooted collective beliefs about women and power and what we can offer the world. Change the socialization. Change your longevity.

It’s your choice! Choose to be a Queen for yourself, for your family, for your community, for our world. The world needs you Baby.

You hold the keys to the Kingdom or should I say Queendom!

Dr. Lynda Klau


Dr. Lynda Klau

Founder and Director of

Life Unlimited: The Center for Human Possibility

1 212 595 7373

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Filed under business coaching, business leadership, coaching for entrepreneurs, global coaching, leadership coaching, Life Coaching, personal coaching

Resources: Dare to be Your Real Self!

Shift from being brilliant as a people pleaser to being AUTHENTIC

I love quotes. Do you? May these speak to you, go straight to your heart and inspire you to be who you really are.


And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud
Was more painful
Than the risk it took to blossom.
The only true success is to be able to live your life in your own way.
                                                                                         Anais Nin

The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.

                                                                                         Carl Jung

A man or woman with outward courage dares to die.
A man or woman with inward courage dares to live.
                                                                                         Lao Tzu

Why must we answer the call to awaken? Why must we follow the questions of our soul? Because it is through habitual, non-inquisitive living that we lose our sense of wonder . . . Only seldom does the haze lift, as we glimpse for a moment the amazing plenitude of being here in the heart of the greatest story ever told—our own lives . . . Once you start to awaken, however, nothing or no one can ever claim you again, pull you back into old patterns. Once you start to awaken, you know how precious your time here—on earth, in this body—is. You are no longer willing to squander your essence on undertakings that do not nourish your true self . . . now you are impatient for growth, willing to put yourself in the way of change . . . You begin to trust the music of your own soul; you have inherited treasure that no one will ever be able to take from
you . . .

                                                                                         John O’Donohue

God, thou who seal thyself in the clouds, or behind the shoemaker’s house
disclose my soul,
that doleful soul of a stammering kid, show me my path,
I don’t want to be like the others;
I want to see a new world.
                                                                                         Marc Chagall

When its over, I want to say all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.

                                                                                         Mary Oliver

l learned at least this by my experiences. That if one advances confidently, in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put something behind and will pass an invisible boundary.
                                                                                         Henry David Thoreau

Our past is not our potential. In any hour, with all the stubborn teachers and healers of history who called us to our best selves, we can liberate the future. One by one, we can re-choose—to awaken. To leave the prison of our conditioning, to love, to turn homeward. To conspire with and for each other. Awakening brings its own assignments, unique to each of us, chosen by each of us. Whatever you may think about yourself, and however long you may have thought it, you are not just you. You are a seed, a silent promise. You are the conspiracy.

                                                                                         Marilyn Ferguson

I’d love to hear your comments, questions and favorite quotes.


Dr. Lynda Klau
Founder and Director of
Life Unlimited: The Center for Human Possibility
1 212 595 7373

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Filed under counseling, Life Coaching, mind body, mindfulness, psychotherapy

Are You Brilliant at People Pleasing But Long to be Authentic?

5 Tools to Shift from People Pleasing to Being You

Not sure who you are? If you are a Yes to many of these questions then be assured that you are a people pleaser who may want to read on . . .

  • Do you know what you really love and need?
  • Are you afraid of having a conflict and losing your connection and being alone?
  • Do you feel you are “not enough and need to pretend to be someone you are not?”
  • Does negative feedback devastate you?
  • Are you brilliant at giving other people exactly what they need but angry because no one gives you what you need?
  • Are you somewhere on this spectrum but definitely not as authentic as you want to be?

If this is you, don’t judge yourself! People pleasing is one very powerful way of surviving. However, there is another way . . .

Are you ready to move from people pleaser to authentic?
And experience the joy of having your real voice and your real self?









I have helped many people go from being invisible to authentic, discover who they really are, find what they want, and have the courage to be themselves. In fact I spent years taking personal and professional training courses to journey from “people pleaser to authentic.” Now I’ve learned how to share quickly and powerfully what it took me years to learn.

Here are some key tools to begin being brilliant at Being You!

  1. Repeat this Affirmation over and over again—I want to please you, but not at the expense of losing myself.
  2. When asked if you want to do something, give yourself some space and time to know what you want. For example you can say “ I need to look at my calendar, and I’ll get back to you.  Then sit quietly with yourself and see what is right for you.
  3. Practice saying “No” with a friend. Sit facing each other and say out loud “NO.”  After a number of saying No then add some content.  “No I don’t want to get pregnant.”  “No I don’t want to make love now”. “No I don’t want to go to work today.” Notice the feelings you have that go with your No. Angry, loving, scared . . . Can you say “No” and be loving?
  4. Adopt this belief: I can be the real me and simultaneously be connected to others. I can be Separate and Connected.
  5. Buy a beautiful journal—the I Can Be Real Journal—Every night do an Evening Review of the Day. What did I say or do that was real and right for me today? How do I feel in my body as I remember that? Where did I give the real me up today? How do I feel in my body as I remember that? In these cases repeat the scene and imagine a different ending where you respond from a “real you” response. This is healing.

We are offering a New Teleclass on this critical topic: Are You Brilliant at People Pleasing But Long to be Authentic? This is for your personal and professional growth. To stay informed, to get free resources, and to get teleclass details click here and sign up in the box.

Feel free to contact Lynda at

Read about the workshop and to get future announcements by clicking here

“You become a people pleaser to survive, you become authentic to thrive.”

                                                                                                     Lynda Klau

Dr. Lynda Klau

Founder and Director of

Life Unlimited: The Center for Human Possibility

New Teleclass: Are you Brilliant at People Pleasing But Long to be Authentic?

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Filed under counseling, Life Coaching, mind body, mindfulness, psychotherapy